2024 ICCFA Annual Conference Teaching Excellence Friday, November 8th, 2024 • 8:00am - 3:30pm CST

Event Schedule


8:25 - 8:55am - Opening Remarks
Mary Rojas-Carlson, President-Elect ICCFA
Dr. Marcus Brown, ICCB Dep. Dir. of Academic Affairs and Student Success

9:00-9:50am - Sessions 1A, 1B, 1C
1A -   Let's get Active! Redesigning Math and Science Classroom for Student Learning
    2024 ICCFA Workshop Grant Recipients
1B - Round Tables and Pecha Kucha
    Round Table: Creating a Comfortable and Safe Classroom for Students
    Pecha Kucha: A Hands-On, Low-Cost, Fully Online Biology Lab Sequence
    Round Table: Setting up Social Media for Your Discipline
    Round Table: The Persistence Project
1C -   Beyond the Theory of Equity to Applications
    Two Presentations united by a shared theme:
    > Reframing the Narrative: Equity Centered Pedagogy
    > No More Dev Ed Math: Increasing Access to College Level Math

9:50-10:05am - BREAK

10:10-11:00am - Sessions 2A, 2B, 2C
2A -    Are Bee Genetics All They Are Cracked Up To Bee?

    ICCFA Research Grant Recipient
2B -    Engaging Ways: Professors Personalizing Student Materials
   Two Presentations united by a shared theme:
   > Constructing and Evaluating the Efficacy of an Interactive Online Mineral Review
   > How to Get Students to Watch your Course Videos

2C -    Working with vetted AR/VR (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality) to enhance instruction
    ICCFA Research Grant Recipient

11:10-Noon - Sessions 3A, 3B, 3C
3A -
  Two Presentations united by a shared theme:
   > Student Agency through Contract-Based Grading, Project-Based Learning, and Civic Engagement
   > Civically Engaged Teaching and Learning for “Sustainable Lake County”
3B -   Leveraging Prompts to Transform Teaching
3C -   Retaining Students and Keeping Students Safe: Aspects of the College Experience to Consider
   Two Presentations united by a shared theme:
   > Student Retention in a Community College Adult Education Program
    ICCFA Research Grant Recipient
   > Keeping Kids (and Everybody Else) Safe in School

12:15-1:45pm - Buffet Lunch, Remarks, Awards, and Keynote Presentation
> Remarks
   Dr. Julia diLiberti, President, ICCFA
   Patrick Moore, Senior Director for Academic Affairs and Instruction, ICCB Liaison to ICCFA
> Awards Ceremony
   Faculty Grant Winners: Presented by Dr. Fei Hong, Grants Chair and Coordinator
   Student Scholarship Winners: Presented by Carla Presnell, Scholarship Chair and Coordinator
   Faculty of the Year Award: Presented by Julia diLiberti, Mary Carlson
> Keynote Address: Nancy Chen
   “Women, Education, Politics: Why All Three are Relevant to Community Colleges”

2:00-3:00pm - Business Meeting

3:00pm - Conference Closing